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Research & Teaching

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Closing Date
Salary:£27,535 to £49,600 In ¥ 250,000 to 450,000 depending on level of appointment.
Closing Date:31/01/2025
Salary:Standard Salary Ranges span is 250,000RMB(27,280GBP) - 500,000RMB(54,560GBP) depending on qualifications and experience.
Closing Date:31/07/2024
Salary:Standard Salary Ranges span is 250,000RMB (27,280GBP) - 450,000RMB (49,104GBP) depending on qualifications and experience.
Closing Date:31/07/2024
Research Fellow in Thin-Film Neuromorphic Devices and Circuits
School of Computer Science & Electronic Engineering
Salary:£36,024 to £37,099 per annum depending on experience
Closing Date:30/05/2024
Research Fellow in Immunology
School of Biosciences
Salary:£36,024 to £44,263 depending on experience
Closing Date:29/05/2024
Research Fellow in Advanced Electromagnetic Channel Modelling
School of Computer Science & Electronic Engineering
Salary:£36,024 to £44,263 per annum depending on experience
Closing Date:24/05/2024
Research Fellow in Sustainable Manufacturing (Research Fellow A)
School of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering
Salary:£36,024 to £44,263 per annum depending on experience
Closing Date:22/05/2024
Salary:£6,097 to £6,996 salary shown is per annum pro rata (0.2 FTE) 1 day a week
Closing Date:14/05/2024
Salary:£7,205 salary shown is the salary pro rata (0.2 FTE) 1 day a week
Closing Date:13/05/2024
Research Fellow
School of Computer Science & Electronic Engineering
Salary:£36,024 to £39,347 per annum
Closing Date:13/05/2024
Salary:£36,024 to £37,099 per annum
Closing Date:10/05/2024
Research Fellow in AI and Computer Vision
School of Computer Science & Electronic Engineering
Salary:£36,024 to £38,205 per annum depending on experience
Closing Date:09/05/2024
Salary:£36,024 to £37,099 per annum depending on experience
Closing Date:09/05/2024
Research Software Engineer
School of Computer Science & Electronic Engineering
Salary:£36,024 to £39,347 per annum depending on experience
Closing Date:09/05/2024

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Logo: Gender Charter - Athena Swan Silver Award
Logo: Race Equality Charter - Bronze Award
Logo: Disability Confident Committed